*WARNING* the dye may stain porcelain or ceramic surfaces, so it’s important to rinse in a stainless steel sink or at an outdoor tap. And the first time the totes/fabric goes in the washing machine, be sure it is with similar colors or on its own.
Prepare the totes/fabric for dyeing:
Bring a large pot of water to boil. Turn off the heat. Carefully submerge the totes/fabric into the hot water and stir gently with a ladle for about 3-5 minutes. With care, remove them from the pot and place them aside and let cool.

Create colorful dye bath on the stovetop with these easy steps: Fill a large pot with 1-2 gallons of water, add 2-4 tbsp of citric acid and the botanical powder of your choice. You can choose to dye everything with one color or make two separate dye baths and use different colors (turmeric for a deep golden shade, hibiscus for a pale pink hue).

Heat on medium. Once the pot begins boiling, turn down the heat and let simmer for about 30 minutes.

Now it's time to put the totes/fabric into the dyeing mixture. Completely submerge the totes/fabric so there are no white streaks when it eventually dries. Stirring occasionally will give you a more even color.
The picture below demonstrates the dip dyeing technique.

Gently lower the fabric into the dye until it is submerged to your desired depth. The deeper you dip the fabric, the thicker the band of color will be on your finished product. If you want a precise line, use a pin to mark where you'd like the coloring to stop before beginning this process. Once marked, lower the fabric into the dye below the pin; as it dyes, some of color may travel up higher than intended- that's okay!

If you want a striped or banded effect, keep the fabric in the dye. Drape the fabric over the side of the dyebath so that only dyed part is submerged. The ideal time to leave it in is 15 minutes, but take it out sooner if you like what you see. It's important to remember that drying will make colors appear a few shades lighter.
If you want a larger gradient effect, pull the fabric out of the dye gradually. Leave the fabric in for 1 minute, then pull it out one-third of the way. Leave it there for 2 to 3 minutes, then pull it out by another third. Wait 5 to 6 minutes before pulling it all the way out.

Once you’ve finished dying the totes/fabric, rinse them off with cold water until all of the excess dye has been removed. Let the totes/fabric dry overnight.
*WARNING* the dye may stain porcelain or ceramic surfaces, so it’s important to rinse in a stainless steel sink or at an outdoor tap. And the first time the totes/fabric goes in the washing machine, be sure it is with similar colors or on its own.
*WARNING* the dye may stain porcelain or ceramic surfaces, so it’s important to rinse in a stainless steel sink or at an outdoor tap. And the first time the totes/fabric goes in the washing machine, be sure it is with similar colors or on its own.